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Centuries of human development
have been leading us
to the dreamlike sceneries of sci-fi movies.

The newly introduced remote monitoring technology updates information in real-time
that human beings couldn't sense before, allowing us to stretch over to the supersensory area of the world.

Furthermore, with the incorporation of AI, a whole new world unfolds
in front of our eyes where we have "another brain" assisting us.

There will be a different life -richer and fuller than ever before- in the near future,
thanks to the convergence of new technologies such as metaverse and quantum computers.

Now CUE Tech Korea is proudly heading forward to the "New World"
with our ideas, technology, and marketing, instead of relying on mass capital or brand power.

Being a pioneer of AIoT monitoring, newly created from original technology-based ideas,
we assure you that you will soon be able to live in the new world.

CUE Tech Korea promises to introduce new technologies more quickly
for happiness, development, and further benefits and welfare together.

Thank you.

CEO, Taewoong Ahn.