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Water Circulation Eco-City Construction Project (Andong City, 2023)

관리자 2024-02-22 Number of views 132

Andong City Water Circulation Leading City Development Project (2023)

Measurement of Rainfall, Soil Moisture, Water Level, Weather, Road Surface Temperature, Solar Radiation, Flow Rate/ Velocity, 

Temp. and Humi. considering Site Size, Soil Conditions, and Site Conditions, etc.

                                                                                                  • Rainfall, Soil Moisture, Water Level, Weather, Road Surface Temperature, Solar Radiation, Flow Rate/ Velocity, Temp. and Humi.

                                                                                                  • LoRa Gateway, Network Server, Platform Integration

                                                                                                  • Dedicated bracket for monitoring water circulation (potted plants)

                                                                                                            • Construction completed (March 2024)

[Andong City Water Circulation Eco-City Construction Project System Installation, 2023]

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